User-Centric Metrics are
Linked to Business Growth


The Challenge

Sales, marketing, HR, and finance departments all have established metrics that reflect the current status of the business, how it’s progressing, and where to invest to achieve business goals. But because user experience is a relatively immature practice, it has been difficult to prove how UX supports business strategy and contributes to business objectives—until now. Core Web Vitals help businesses quantify user experiences and correlate them with key business metrics. In fact, business leaders who took Google’s new update seriously are already seeing positive results for their users and their business.

Our Solution

Dymic’s path to improving website performance can vary from site to site depending on the CMS, design complexity, and where businesses are in their performance journey. In some cases, there will be low-hanging fruit making it relatively easy to achieve meaningful Core Web Vitals results; others will have more challenging issues that require complex solutions. But in either case, decision makers should consider this a long term, business growth investment. Because one thing is certain—delivering a fast and seamless web experience directly affects crucial business metrics: conversion rates, marketing return on investment (ROI), retention (loyalty), brand perception, customer lifetime value (CLVT), search rankings (SEO), sales revenue, and more.

40% of people abandon a website that
takes more than 3 seconds to load

User-Centric Metrics are
Linked to Business Growth


The Challenge

Sales, marketing, HR, and finance departments all have established metrics that reflect the current status of the business, how it’s progressing, and where to invest to achieve business goals. But because user experience is a relatively immature practice, it has been difficult to prove how UX supports business strategy and contributes to business objectives—until now. Core Web Vitals help businesses quantify user experiences and correlate them with key business metrics. In fact, business leaders who took Google’s new update seriously are already seeing positive results for their users and their business.

Our Solution

Dymic’s path to improving website performance can vary from site to site depending on the CMS, design complexity, and where businesses are in their performance journey. In some cases, there will be low-hanging fruit making it relatively easy to achieve meaningful Core Web Vitals results; others will have more challenging issues that require complex solutions. But in either case, decision makers should consider this a long term, business growth investment. Because one thing is certain—delivering a fast and seamless web experience directly affects crucial business metrics: conversion rates, marketing return on investment (ROI), retention (loyalty), brand perception, customer lifetime value (CLVT), search rankings (SEO), sales revenue, and more.

40% of people abandon a website that
takes more than 3 seconds to load

Google's UX Metrics are Evolving

Core Web Vitals are a great starting point for analyzing web page performance. But they are just a subset of metrics that evolved from the Web Vitals initiative created by Google. When you combine CWVs with the other metrics, you get a more comprehensive picture of web performance. In addition to Core Web Vitals, we recommend using the following 12 page performance metrics, which are selected based on two criteria:


A. The impact the metric can have on Google search rankings
B. Whether the metric can be realistically optimized by web developers

  • Total Blocking Time
  • First Contenful Paint
  • Time to Interactive
  • Speed Index

  • Unused CSS Rules
  • Unused Javascript (JS)
  • Next-gen Images
  • Optimized Images

  • Responsive Images
  • DOM Size
  • Render Blocking Resources
  • Total Byte Weight

Consider the following page speed and user experience statistics:

0 +
Slow-loading websites cost their owners $2.6 billion in losses each year
Good UX Design can raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 400%
Bounce rates increase by 90% when the load time goes from 1 to 5 seconds

Google's UX Metrics are Evolving

Core Web Vitals are a great starting point for analyzing web page performance. But they are just a subset of metrics that evolved from the Web Vitals initiative created by Google. When you combine CWVs with the other metrics, you get a more comprehensive picture of web performance. In addition to Core Web Vitals, we recommend using the following 12 page performance metrics, which are selected based on two criteria:


A. The impact the metric can have on Google search rankings
B. Whether the metric can be realistically optimized by web developers

  • Total Blocking Time
  • First Contenful Paint
  • Time to Interactive
  • Speed Index

  • Unused CSS Rules
  • Unused Javascript (JS)
  • Next-gen Images
  • Optimized Images

  • Responsive Images
  • DOM Size
  • Render Blocking Resources
  • Total Byte Weight

Consider the following page speed and user experience statistics:

0 +
Slow-loading websites cost their owners
$2.6 billion in losses each year
Good UX Design can raise your website’s conversion rate by up to 400%
Bounce rates increase by 90% when the
load time goes from 1 to 5 seconds


Google's New
Page Experience Signals

Optimizing for user experience has always been important, but now website owners are being pressured to fix Core Web Vitals—the new addition to Google’s ranking algorithm. According to Google, the purpose of this initiative is “to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.” As explained in our Core Web Vitals eBook, the update combines three new signals with existing page experience signals. These valuable metrics can help business owners, marketers, and developers quantify the user experience and identify opportunities to improve page speed, conversion rates, and now, search rankings. Here is a summary with Google’s new scoring system:

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Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a technical term for the render time of the largest text or image block on a webpage—a fast LCP helps ensure the page is useful because it decreases the time it takes for the content to populate on a user’s device.

Google rates LCP with three scores:

  • Good: 2.5s and under
  • Needs Improvement: 2.5s–4s
  • Poor: 4s and over
Screen Shot 2021 07 08 at 12.11.52 PM


First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) is a metric for measuring how fast a user’s interactions are processed—a low FID helps ensure the page is usable because it reduces the time it takes a website to register a user’s interaction (the click) and process the request.

Google rates FID with three scores:

  • Good: 100ms and under
  • Needs Improvement: 100–300ms
  • Poor: 300ms and over
Screen Shot 2021 07 08 at 12.12.09 PM


Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric for measuring the movement of webpage elements (as they load)—a low CLS ensures the page is predictable by reducing content jumps and skips, so the link clicked is what you get (not the ad above it).

Google rates CLS with three scores:

  • Good: 0.1s and under
  • Needs Improvement: 0.1s–0.25s
  • Poor: 0.25s and over


Google's New Page Experience Signals

Optimizing for user experience has always been important, but now website owners are being pressured to fix Core Web Vitals—the new addition to Google’s ranking algorithm. According to Google, the purpose of this initiative is “to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.” As explained in our Core Web Vitals eBook, the update combines three new signals with existing page experience signals. These valuable metrics can help business owners, marketers, and developers quantify the user experience and identify opportunities to improve page speed, conversion rates, and now, search rankings. Here is a summary with Google’s new scoring system:

Screen Shot 2021 07 08 at 12.11.11 PM


Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) is a technical term for the render time of the largest text or image block on a webpage—a fast LCP helps ensure the page is useful because it decreases the time it takes for the content to populate on a user’s device.

Google rates LCP with three scores:

  • Good: 2.5s and under
  • Needs Improvement: 2.5s–4s
  • Poor: 4s and over
Screen Shot 2021 07 08 at 12.11.52 PM


First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay (FID) is a metric for measuring how fast a user’s interactions are processed—a low FID helps ensure the page is usable because it reduces the time it takes a website to register a user’s interaction (the click) and process the request.

Google rates FID with three scores:

  • Good: 100ms and under
  • Needs Improvement: 100–300ms
  • Poor: 300ms and over
Screen Shot 2021 07 08 at 12.12.09 PM


Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) is a metric for measuring the movement of webpage elements (as they load)—a low CLS ensures the page is predictable by reducing content jumps and skips, so the link clicked is what you get (not the ad above it).

Google rates CLS with three scores:

  • Good: 0.1s and under
  • Needs Improvement: 0.1s–0.25s
  • Poor: 0.25s and over

Dymic's Website
Optimization Services


Improving site speed and efficiency involves a review of your website’s current state, and then implementing technical, web development, and other site speed best practices. Dymic’s highly experienced web development, UX design and SEO teams understand Core Web Vitals, their impact on user experience, and the full spectrum of search engine optimization best practices. There are many optimization techniques in our process; some will make a significant difference, and others might be less impactful. But in the website performance world—every millisecond counts.

Dymic's Website
Optimization Services


Improving site speed and efficiency involves a review of your website’s current state, and then implementing technical, web development, and other site speed best practices. Dymic’s highly experienced web development, UX design and SEO teams understand Core Web Vitals, their impact on user experience, and the full spectrum of search engine optimization best practices. There are many optimization techniques in our process; some will make a significant difference, and others might be less impactful. But in the website performance world—every millisecond counts.

Site/Page Level

Though they may seem similar, page speed is not the same as site speed. Site speed is the average of many pages on a website. But page speed is based on how long a user will have to wait to interact with a page. Every element on a page — HTML code, CSS (the code that styles page elements), JavaScript files, images, videos — affects page speed. Here's a list of some of our site/page level optimizations:

  • Image Optimization
  • Video Optimization
  • Critical Path CSS Setup
  • CSS Optimization
  • Javascript Optimization
  • Lazy Loading Configuration
  • Page Caching
  • Plugin Optimization
  • Minimize HTTP(S) Requests
  • Google Tag Manager Implementation
  • Defer or Async Scripts

Site/Page Level

Though they may seem similar, page speed is not the same as site speed. Site speed is the average of many pages on a website. But page speed is based on how long a user will have to wait to interact with a page. Every element on a page — HTML code, CSS (the code that styles page elements), JavaScript files, images, videos — affects page speed. Here's a list of some of our site/page level optimizations:

  • Image Optimization
  • Video Optimization
  • Critical Path CSS Setup
  • CSS Optimization
  • Javascript Optimization
  • Lazy Loading Configuration
  • Page Caching
  • Plugin Optimization
  • Minimize HTTP(S) Requests
  • Google Tag Manager Implementation
  • Defer or Async Scripts

Server Level

No matter how many optimizations you make to the code, images, or other elements on the page (site level), the improvement can be restricted if your server is slow. Likewise, if you’re using a slow DNS, it can increase the time it takes for browsers to locate your site. Here's a list of some of our server level optimizations:

  • Full Site Backup
  • Server Optimization
  • Cloudflare CDN Setup
  • Browser Caching
  • HTTPS Implementation
  • Database Optimization
  • Hosting Migration (Optional)
  • .HTACCESS Optimization
  • DNS Record Optimization
  • Gzip Compression
  • Redirect Optimization

Server Level

No matter how many optimizations you make to the code, images, or other elements on the page (site level), the improvement can be restricted if your server is slow. Likewise, if you’re using a slow DNS, it can increase the time it takes for browsers to locate your site. Here's a list of some of our server level optimizations:

  • Full Site Backup
  • Server Optimization
  • Cloudflare CDN Setup
  • Browser Caching
  • HTTPS Implementation
  • Database Optimization
  • Hosting Migration (Optional)
  • .HTACCESS Optimization
  • DNS Record Optimization
  • Gzip Compression
  • Redirect Optimization


Check & Fix Your
Website's Core Web Vitals

Dymic’s speed test tool offers both mobile and desktop speed insights based on real-life data from Google Chrome browsers. The test will also tell you how Google scores your site for technical SEO, Accessibility, and Best Practices (trust, safety, UX, etc). Just complete the form and click the submit button to test your website.

  • If your site doesn’t score well, schedule your site speed consultation below to get help.


Check & Fix
Your Website's
Core Web Vitals

Dymic’s speed test tool offers both mobile and desktop speed insights based on real-life data from Google Chrome browsers. The test will also tell you how Google scores your site for technical SEO, Accessibility, and Best Practices (trust, safety, UX, etc). Just complete the form and click the submit button to test your website.

  • If your site doesn’t score well, schedule your site speed consultation below to get help.

"*" indicates required fields

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Please note: Based on the size of your website, the results can take 30-120 seconds to display on this page.

Please note: Based on the size of your website, the results can take 30-120 seconds to display on this page.

Step 1. Test Your Website

Begin by testing your website and viewing your page speed metrics. Dymic's test was designed to give you insights for the essential vitals as well as scores for both desktop and mobile page speeds simultaneously.

Step 2. Schedule Consultation

Schedule a consult with one of our web vitals experts. They will review your test with you, provide advice on how we can help, help you choose the right optimization plan, and send you a proposal upon request.

Step 3. Approve & Accept

When you approve and accept our proposal, you'll receive a meeting invite from one of our experts, as well as a link to our optimization discovery form, so we can gather all the information we need to get started.

Step 1. Test Your Website

Begin by testing your website and viewing your page speed metrics. Dymic's test was designed to give you insights for the essential vitals as well as scores for both desktop and mobile page speeds simultaneously.

Step 2. Schedule Consultation

Schedule a consult with one of our web vitals experts. They will review your test with you, provide advice on how we can help, help you choose the right optimization plan, and send you a proposal upon request.

Step 3. Approve & Accept

When you approve and accept our proposal, you'll receive a meeting invite from one of our experts, as well as a link to our optimization discovery form, so we can gather all the information we need to get started.

Need Help? Still Have Questions?

Dymic offers three different page speed optimization plans based on your website’s CMS platform, number of web pages, design complexity, and other variables affecting the optimization process. Give us a call or schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can help you get your website loading as fast as possible.

Need Help?
Still Have Questions?

Dymic offers three different page speed optimization plans based on your website’s CMS platform, number of web pages, design complexity, and other variables affecting the optimization process. Give us a call or schedule a consultation to learn more about how we can help you get your website loading as fast as possible.


Web Design, SEO & Digital Marketing
Our law firm remained the same size for nearly 3 decades — one location, two attorneys and about 3-4 legal secretaries. Since launching our campaigns with Dymic, our firm has over tripled in size. We just purchased a second office building to meet our growing needs and now staff 9 attorneys and about 20 legal staff. Their team is extremely talented. I highly recommend reaching out to Dymic.
Adam Savin

Partner, Law Offices of Savin & Bursk

Review Management & Social Media Marketing
I have the professional pleasure of working with Dymic with their Review Management and Social Media services, and I could not be happier. I have worked with countless agencies and marketing service providers in the past 20 years, and the sheer professionalism, clear communication and responsiveness to our account is unparalleled. Thanks Dymic, for making my professional life easier and for making the clients look like rock stars!
Heather Schueppert

CMO, Unified Women’s Healthcare

Web Design & SEO
Dymic has worked with me to address my needs as an artist and a business from our first meeting. They recommend solid solutions and know how to implement them. The SEO work they've put into my website is solid. I was lost in google and now you can find me on the first two pages of Google. They are knowledgeable, responsive, and effective. The people that work there, from design to SEO, are true professionals you can actually trust.
Caroline Malouf

Owner, Caroline Malouf Photography

Dymic Testimonials

Web Design, SEO & Digital Marketing
Our law firm remained the same size for nearly 3 decades — one location, two attorneys and about 3-4 legal secretaries. Since launching our campaigns with Dymic, our firm has over tripled in size. We just purchased a second office building to meet our growing needs and now staff 9 attorneys and about 20 legal staff. Their team is extremely talented. I highly recommend reaching out to Dymic.
Adam Savin

Partner, Law Offices of Savin & Bursk

Review Management & Social Media Marketing
I have the professional pleasure of working with Dymic with their Review Management and Social Media services, and I could not be happier. I have worked with countless agencies and marketing service providers in the past 20 years, and the sheer professionalism, clear communication and responsiveness to our account is unparalleled. Thanks Dymic, for making my professional life easier and for making the clients look like rock stars!
Heather Schueppert

CMO, Unified Women’s Healthcare

Web Design & SEO
Dymic has worked with me to address my needs as an artist and a business from our first meeting. They recommend solid solutions and know how to implement them. The SEO work they've put into my website is solid. I was lost in google and now you can find me on the first two pages of Google. They are knowledgeable, responsive, and effective. The people that work there, from design to SEO, are true professionals you can actually trust.
Caroline Malouf

Owner, Caroline Malouf Photography

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