
In 2019 there are still businesses that cringe at the thought of social media. For varying reasons people still do not see its value. Current numbers show 2.65 billion people around the world were using some form of social media in 2018.

That is a number too big to ignore, especially if you are in a competitive industry.

In the era of digital technology and digital marketing, it is impossible to have a successful campaign without utilizing social media. It has been shown that the social media impact on business is significant. When done right it can bring significant cost savings.

In some instances, businesses can eliminate other means of marketing. Business owners need to monitor advertising trends and learn their audience. If they aren’t watching local TV, why invest in television advertising?

Is your business passing on social media? Keep reading for 10 reasons why you need a social media strategy.

Social Media Impact on Business is Multi-Dimensional

If you doubt the power of promoting your brand through social platforms, Google “Popeye’s chicken sandwich.” The company promoted a non-existent competition between fast-food chain Chick-fil-A and their social media followers did the rest.

The success of the social media campaign shows how important it is for businesses to have a social presence. One post can lead to millions of dollars’ worth of free advertising.

1. Gain Exposure

The biggest benefit of creating a social media presence is to gain exposure. With billions of people already using popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and Pinterest, it’s a guaranteed win. 

The added exposure places your brand before people from around the world. You may not have considered becoming international. With social media platforms, it is now possible.

2. Get a Boost to Your SEO Strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is at the heart of all digital marketing. Your SEO strategy needs a component that addresses your social presence. 

Social media expands your efforts and places content before a larger audience. It also extends the life-cycle of your content. Someone could come upon a post on Facebook months, even years after it was originally shared.

This simple act can reignite interest in a product you no longer offer.

3. Drive Traffic to Your Website

Companies using social media to drive traffic to their website. Before, people only knew a website existed if you gave them the web address. Now they can get to your site by clicking on shared content.

It can be a blog, product page, or other content on the website. Manually share or use an app that automatically posts new content to your social pages.

4. Improve Your Sales Funnel

Benefits of social media marketing roll over into your sales funnel. The methodology of sales funnels has several interchangeable aspects. The overall process is to inform the potential buyer about your product and get them to buy.

At the start of the funnel is usually awareness and interest. Social media helps the business to raise awareness about the product. Ongoing interaction builds interest and gets the user to visit your website.

Once there, other marketing tactics help close the deal. 

5. Reach Your Target Audience

With so many people on social media sites daily, utilizing their low-cost advertising helps businesses zero in on their target audience. Social media has good ad programs. On most sites, you select the demographics. 

If your target audience is women between the ages of 24 and 40, that’s who you select to see your ads. It can also be narrowed down to a certain city. This is important for businesses with physical locations.

6. Measure Customer Engagement

Companies using social media can quickly assess customer engagement. Within an hour of posting content to your social platform, you have a good idea if it’s resonating. If not, you can remove it to do some tweaking.

A post receiving an immediate reaction should be boosted with paid advertising for maximum reach. As individuals interact with the post response. Like a shared post, or answer questions people are asking.

7. Increase Brand Recognition

Social media is a great way to increase your brand recognition. Marketing your business shouldn’t be focused solely on generating revenue. It needs a segment that is geared towards brand awareness.

Your social platforms are a perfect place to get people familiar with your company and its purpose. Seeing a logo and tagline over and over is a strategy within itself. When people see or hear it, they are immediately reminded of your product or service. 

8. Inexpensive Marketing Tools

Social media is good for a business because the effect on your bottom line is apparent. Utilizing Facebook or Twitter ads only cost a small fraction of the cost for print media. 

When incorporating YouTube into your marketing, you can promote your brand to an audience at no cost. The live video feature attracts a new audience. Plus, with their SuperChat feature, viewers can donate to your channel in appreciation for the information shared. 

9. Access to Insights and Analytics

Social media benefits have the added feature of real-time insights and analytical data. User can measure content performance at any time and make necessary adjustments.

The data shows who is engaging with your content. You can see how many people clicked on links to visit your website. In addition, there is a breakdown of how many interactions came from people not currently following your social media. On Facebook, you can connect by sending a request for them to like your page. 

10. Gain Brand Advocates

Brand advocacy is another term important to social media. Once you build your online presence, look for followers that are engaging and supportive.

A brand advocate will like, share, and comment on your posts. More important they personally recommend your product or service to others.

Are You Ready to Jump Into Social Media Marketing?

The social media impact on business is undeniable. Stop missing out on business because you don’t see its value. Call in the pros to show you how to elevate your online presence.

Click here to connect with one of our marketing specialists.

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